Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Truth

I have been told that my daughter Aubrey who died in my abortion is in hell. And is waiting for me there. We will burn together.
I have been told that she is in purgatory and I have to pray her into heaven and she is praying me to heaven as well.
I have been told that she will face her abortionist one day and have words with him.
I have been told that to write letters to her is communicating with the dead.
I have been told that she is angry with me and I have to wait to ask her forgiveness and see if she will forgive me.

I believe none of the above. One of the most precious books I have ever read is I'll Hold You in Heaven by Jack Hayford. God's truth about Aubrey allows me to grieve with hope.

Aubrey is in heaven. She is seeing God's face. She loves me. She is waiting for me. I am her mommy and she is my daughter. She will run to me one day.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I have never seen the turnout that we had yesterday! 3200 faithful prolifers were there throughout the day praying for the end of abortion, praying for healing and forgiveness after abortion, for the PP supporters that were there and also for the mommies that came for their abortions. One baby and mommy were saved from abortion!!

My daughter Sarah came with me and a also a couple of friends. I had already told Sarah that I would be carrying my sign and people sometimes say stupid things to me. She said she would carry my I Regret My Abortion sign for me. :)

The building is massive. The biggest mill I have ever seen with my own eyes. It made my heart ache just to be there and I felt an immediate heaviness. Walking by those that are proabortion just felt ugly and dark and nasty. I held my sign and so many averted their eyes from mine and continued their chanting. "Pro! Pro! Choice! Choice!" Bleh. I prayed for them in their deception.

My God is bigger than that building. The God I love was watching over us and hearing our prayers. I was so encouraged by the turnout and the fact that I just might be sidewalk counseling out there someday!

My daughter Aubrey would have been 21 years old this month. I Regret My Abortion.

Good Friday Prayer Vigil 2012

The young man with the PRO FORNICATE sign? He might as well have shown up naked with a big black arrow and the words MEET ME BEHIND THE BUILDING! I appreciated his brutal honesty at least.