Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How Could Any Woman Abort Her Own Child?

When you are completely alone and everyone in your life offers no help or hope or support only abortion. When you believe you don't have a choice. When you believe EVERY single lie at the abortion mill about "clumps of cells" and "getting on with your life" and "quick, simple and painless." When you are never shown the ultrasound or allowed to hear that little heartbeat. When you are shown a video of a clump of red circles at 10 weeks along and told that is what your baby looks like. When you were NEVER told about the blood loss, the risk of breast cancer and miscarriage, the guilt and shame or lifelong regret, the drinking and anxiety and nightmares. When you deliver your second child into your hand at 10 weeks along and see THE TRUTH for yourself. 
How could I do such a thing? I am a human being and I made a horrible choice. And I have to carry it. 
But I will NEVER stop telling my story because women have chosen life because I told the truth of my experience. And women have found healing in Christ because I have led them to post abortive recovery. 

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