Pam Stenzel and I.

Brian Gibson, the Executive Director of Prolife Action Ministries.

This sign was put up just for us. Sweet.

This is the site of the proposed mega "eco-friendly" killing facility that Planned Parenthood wants to build in St. Paul, MN. I met with the faithful prolifers who are praying against this. We prayed and also let the neighbors know about who wants to move into their neighborhood. They were very receptive. The fight is on.
Looks like an awesome prayer vigil to be involved in!! I have been researching on ways to get involved in the pro-life movement and came across your blog. After having my own abortion on February 6, 2009, I am a strong advocate of LIFE. You are an encouragement and inspiration. If you know of ways I can get involved, please contact me. Also, I plan on starting my own blog about my abortion experience. Please check out this link to my blog to read about my abortion story:
HI Hannah Rose!! Thank you so much for commenting and will be glad to stand and fight for life with you!!
I have been sucked into this blog and have been reading for an hour impressed with how brave you are for admitting that you have had an abortion, Carla. God bless you. I am pro-life and involved in my community woodbury pregnancy resource center. I am always saddenned when i see women and girls, already broken by their experience, being shamed even more. My house is a mess, and my four kids are running around and I am reading and praying :) and then I see- Hannah's post- who aborted her baby when my youngest baby was born the same day on 2-06-09. I will pray for both of you, to forgive yourself fully, as God would want you to do. You are so good!
Hello Jen!!
THANK YOU for reading. :) It means a lot to me.
Are you talking Woodbury, MN?
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