Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hi Mel!!

This is my friend Melissa Ohden.

She survived the abortion attempt meant to end her life.(When the baby isn't killed it is called a "failed abortion." Because the intent of an abortion is to kill)
BUT a God of hope and healing.
I have read her book You Carried Me at least 3 times. She is not alone btw. There are MANY abortion survivors and THAT is what Melissa's next book is about! Can't wait to read it!
Keep going girl! Keep telling your story. That the world made put a face to the evil that is abortion!!

Friday, September 24, 2021



These are my thoughts and observations. I will not argue with you. You are free to disagree with me.
There are tactics being used. To get people to take the jab. And I now see the parallels between that and how women are treated before an abortion. Hear me out. Hear what I am saying. Read it again. I am not equating the jab with abortion. But someone will absolutely say that I am. And as a woman who has had an abortion...I do know the difference.
There is a narrative of a brighter outcome.
It's just a simple procedure. It's easy. Quick. Painless. Safe. You can get on with your life. Think about the life you want in the future. Think about the lives of others. For the good of them.
There is the narrative of fear. A scenario to rush.
Do this soon. Do this now. Don't wait. It will be worse if you wait.
Just do it. Today. Right now.
There is a narrative of coercion. You will never finish college. You won't be a good mother. Think of your future. Your future children. You will lose your job. Your income. Your livelihood.
There is no informed consent with abortion. There are flat out LIES told to women. Lies of omission. And I have tried to do research into all of the jabs, side effects, long term head spins at what I know and don't know.
Some scenarios sound eerily familiar to me. Nurses sobbing while submitting to the jab they don't want. Women on the table sobbing, submitting to the abortion they don't want. The anger from those who disagree!! We are flipped off and sworn at as we stand against abortion outside on the sidewalk. Just as we are as we stand against mandates with signs that say Consent Not Coercion or Unmask Our Kids. One man called a group of women and a little girl the C WORD! As parents were walking their children into an elementary school!
And maybe all of the above is why I feel so uneasy. So sickened by what is happening, how this is all playing out. And how dark and evil it feels. And why my voice raises and I feel it in my whole being when discussing this with my husband.
Some of us want to be discerning. Some of us want and need the time to use wisdom. For ourselves and for our children.
There are narratives being used. What are the reasons?
Why the fear? Why the rush? Why the coercion? The incentives?

Sunday, September 5, 2021

 One year ago I received a message on facebook. A desperate mother in Kenya who had found an abortionist but also found my story of abortion regret. She didn't want an abortion. She wanted help and hope and support. I offered that and her beautiful Jasmine is now 7 months old!! Look at that precious little face!! I messaged back and forth with that mother yesterday.
September 5th. 31 years ago to the day that I made the worst decision of my life by aborting my first child. She thanked me and thanked God for me that I was there for her in a "really confusing time."
I spent much of my day doing the things I had on my list of things to do. But I knew what was coming. Feel what I was feeling. I finished reading the book Tilly which paints a glorious picture of the reunion God has planned for me. I brought some flowers to the baby stone in the backyard. I prayed. I cried. I spoke aloud to Aubrey. I love you. I miss you. I will see you soon. You are my girl.
And I remembered what God has done in my life since September 5th, 1990. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Him.
Abortion is lifelong. To those of us who have found healing in Jesus after abortion, we carry our burden of regret together. We grieve together and face the future together. We do what God calls us to do. Tell others of what He has done. Speak the truth to counter the lies of the abortion industry. Lead others to the hope and healing that we have found.
I will give God all of the glory and honor and praise due Him as He has delivered me from the darkness. My story is really His story of rescue, redemption and restoration.
I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

Thursday, January 28, 2021


This is Mary who was contemplating abortion and found an abortionist even though it is illegal in Kenya. She found my abortion story of regret online and messaged me when she was 14 weeks along. AND HERE IS HER PRECIOUS LITTLE GIRL!! ❤ Thank you Lord!! Baby girl is named Jasmine to go along with siblings Jeremy, Jude and Joy and daddy Justus. Thank you for praying!!
And thank you to those who gave yesterday!! Mary said to thank you too!!
I will never shut up about the death and destruction abortion brings. becauseTHIS