Monday, February 27, 2012

The Retreat

What is on my mind? The precious weekend at Rachel's Vineyard. I wish that ALL of those that are proabortion could sit and listen to hours of excruciating personal abortion stories. But they do not get that privilege. I do. As a facilitator, I was on holy ground this weekend. Bearing the pain, loving these women through and watching Jesus work. He moved through our group...healing, forgiving, touching, loving, transforming. How blessed I feel to be a part of such sacred work. WHAT BRAVE, COURAGEOUS WOMEN I MET!! I love you so much.
Our babies are safe and we honor them and love them and will someday hold them in heaven. Aubrey, Jamie, Lee, Faith, Matthew, Hannah, Sherman, Daniel, Trinity, Jody Marie, Zacheray, Amaria, Benjamin.

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.