Friday, September 24, 2021



These are my thoughts and observations. I will not argue with you. You are free to disagree with me.
There are tactics being used. To get people to take the jab. And I now see the parallels between that and how women are treated before an abortion. Hear me out. Hear what I am saying. Read it again. I am not equating the jab with abortion. But someone will absolutely say that I am. And as a woman who has had an abortion...I do know the difference.
There is a narrative of a brighter outcome.
It's just a simple procedure. It's easy. Quick. Painless. Safe. You can get on with your life. Think about the life you want in the future. Think about the lives of others. For the good of them.
There is the narrative of fear. A scenario to rush.
Do this soon. Do this now. Don't wait. It will be worse if you wait.
Just do it. Today. Right now.
There is a narrative of coercion. You will never finish college. You won't be a good mother. Think of your future. Your future children. You will lose your job. Your income. Your livelihood.
There is no informed consent with abortion. There are flat out LIES told to women. Lies of omission. And I have tried to do research into all of the jabs, side effects, long term head spins at what I know and don't know.
Some scenarios sound eerily familiar to me. Nurses sobbing while submitting to the jab they don't want. Women on the table sobbing, submitting to the abortion they don't want. The anger from those who disagree!! We are flipped off and sworn at as we stand against abortion outside on the sidewalk. Just as we are as we stand against mandates with signs that say Consent Not Coercion or Unmask Our Kids. One man called a group of women and a little girl the C WORD! As parents were walking their children into an elementary school!
And maybe all of the above is why I feel so uneasy. So sickened by what is happening, how this is all playing out. And how dark and evil it feels. And why my voice raises and I feel it in my whole being when discussing this with my husband.
Some of us want to be discerning. Some of us want and need the time to use wisdom. For ourselves and for our children.
There are narratives being used. What are the reasons?
Why the fear? Why the rush? Why the coercion? The incentives?

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