Wednesday, October 10, 2018

You Are Needed

In 2008 I contacted the Director of the River Falls Pregnancy Helpline. I wanted to be a liaison between them and my church. I wanted to know their needs and desires and how could we partner with them. Why? 
Because pregnancy centers do God's work. They are the hands and feet of Jesus to women and men who need them. They hold back those staggering toward slaughter. They offer to women EVERYTHING I wanted before my abortion. And they offer it for FREE. 
I have helped coordinate volunteers and assisted with baby bottle fundraisers, kept my church family aware of parades and banquets and opportunities to serve.
Here's a quick story. When the Pregnancy Helpline became Options for Women and moved to a new location they prayed for an ultrasound machine. FCC did the baby bottle fundraiser and when they were told that 80% of women choose life after seeing the ultrasound they stepped up. We raised $45,000 for the ultrasound machine. I stood in that room and stared at that beautiful machine and cried. Tears of joy for the mothers that would see the truth. And tears of sorrow for having been denied that opportunity to see my baby before my abortion.
WHAT IF every church reached out to their nearest pregnancy center and came alongside the life saving work they do? WHAT IF you are that liaison?
Think about it.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Champion for Life

I was honored and grateful to receive this award by my former roommate Jill.  Jill drove me to my abortion appointment and waited for me all day.  We went our separate ways and we both found our voices about how abortion affected us. 
Thank you Gianna Jessen for being such an amazing speaker!! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

28 Years Ago

September 5th, 1990. The day I aborted my first child, Aubrey. 28 years ago today.
| journaled, I prayed, I bought flowers for the baby stone in the backyard, I opened the card and gift from my beloved husband. I asked God to please show me how he redeems this pain. I asked Him to help me bear it.
I received a photo of a beautiful 3 year old boy and want to share with you his story. Before he was born his mother considered abortion. She lived in another country and I was added to a facebook message with her and other post abortive moms who regret their abortions. We told her we were there for her and loved her and her child and we wanted to help. We told her our stories of the pain and grief and the lifelong regret that abortion brings. I added my friend to the conversation that lived in her country and ran a pregnancy center near this precious momma. And she chose life!! I get updates from her and get to watch this beautiful little boy grow!!
I would have had no story to tell this pregnant mom if I hadn't gone through it myself. And God knows that. He sees me. He knows me. He knows what my heart needs before I can even express it. He heard and He answered.
Oh how He loves me!
I love you Aubrey. My longing and my love for you continue to grow. I will one day be with you in heaven sweet girl.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Do Something!!

It is one thing to be horrified and angered by abortion and ALL the evil it brings. The absolute barbaric TRUTH of it. ALL of the death and destruction it has wrought.
It is quite another to be moved enough to ask yourself, "What am I going to do about it?"

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Standing for Life

17 babies lose their lives here in St. Paul, MN daily.
An entire kindergarten class dies.
We stood and prayed and witnessed. There were honks and waves of support. And then middle fingers, cuss words and my personal favorite, "GET A JOB!" (I have one thank you very much) And it always begs the question, "What is your experience with abortion?"
I mean you are stirred up obviously and the hatred and anger in your heart was already there before you ever saw me and yelled at me to EFF OFF!
This sweet pregnant momma came out to pray. 3 little ones witnessing. Perfect.
Quite a few coming and going today. Stacy the sidewalk counselor got info into the hands of many!! May that bear fruit Lord!

Monday, May 7, 2018


There are certain truths that I have to live with being a post abortive mom. Yes I know that I am saved. And forgiven. Yes I know where my Aubrey is. Yes I know we will be together again. And I know that God is good. I know that He has her. He has always had her. He will always have her. I know it is all at the cross.
There are still anniversaries that roll around. The day that I found out I was pregnant. The day I made an appointment. The day of my abortion. The spring time when she would have been born. The years go by. As much as the abortion industry would have us believe that abortion is GOOD for women the hard truth never goes. The grief and loss remain. Until that one day when ALL will be made right. No more pain. No more tears or sorrow. No more. 

With all that being said I will acknowledge and carry this.
My Aubrey would have been 27 years old last month.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

From the Sidewalk

I got inspired last night and made a new sign. I noticed the women going in and out and reading it. 
Yes it's cold. But we stay warm. And the baby parts truck(medical waste)comes and takes my babies away. 
I will call them mine. I will mourn them. 
We got yelled at and flipped off and lectured. One woman stated, "You have no right to be here pretending that you are better than anyone else! I will pray to God that he opens your eyes!!" But there are always thumbs up and waves and honks of support. One kind soul handed out cups of coffee.
Praying that hearts and minds were changed today. Praying that lives were saved.
God bless those that go with me, those that sidewalk counsel and those who pray for us.