Wednesday, October 10, 2018

You Are Needed

In 2008 I contacted the Director of the River Falls Pregnancy Helpline. I wanted to be a liaison between them and my church. I wanted to know their needs and desires and how could we partner with them. Why? 
Because pregnancy centers do God's work. They are the hands and feet of Jesus to women and men who need them. They hold back those staggering toward slaughter. They offer to women EVERYTHING I wanted before my abortion. And they offer it for FREE. 
I have helped coordinate volunteers and assisted with baby bottle fundraisers, kept my church family aware of parades and banquets and opportunities to serve.
Here's a quick story. When the Pregnancy Helpline became Options for Women and moved to a new location they prayed for an ultrasound machine. FCC did the baby bottle fundraiser and when they were told that 80% of women choose life after seeing the ultrasound they stepped up. We raised $45,000 for the ultrasound machine. I stood in that room and stared at that beautiful machine and cried. Tears of joy for the mothers that would see the truth. And tears of sorrow for having been denied that opportunity to see my baby before my abortion.
WHAT IF every church reached out to their nearest pregnancy center and came alongside the life saving work they do? WHAT IF you are that liaison?
Think about it.

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