Thursday, January 29, 2009

Late Term Abortion

I have signed enough email petitions and Facebook campaigns lately to make my head spin. This one hits close to home. If you are in WI please let your voice be heard.

Contact information.


Since having an abortion do you struggle with...
Frequent Crying
Increased Promiscuity
Suicidal Thoughts and Urges
Drug/Alcohol Abuse
Eating Disorder
Intense Desire to become pregnant
Difficulty bonding with your other children?

There is help and hope and healing.
Please call The National Helpline for Abortion Recovery at 1-866-482-LIFE.
Or you can visit There is someone waiting to talk to you who has experienced the pain of abortion and now knows healing.


This photo shows the 3 sisters from the band BarlowGirl. They are the cuties in black. Barlow Girl sings the song Million Voices which is the theme of Operation Outcry. We are praying that God raises up the voices of one million women, men and former abortion clinic workers to fill out declarations that are used in prolife legislation. The declarations can be filled out online at the OO website. The blue sweatshirts of OO read I Am One of the Million Voices Breaking Silence.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


It was wonderful to see so many of my Operation Outcry ladies again!!! I miss them so much when we are not together! I also got a chance to meet quite a few new people. They love me before they meet me and I do the same. When you share abortion regret there is an instant bond. A knowing of what someone has already been through.
I was excited to hear the speakers at the rally before The March. I heard Jim Sensenbrenner from WI. Congressman I think. I will have to write him a thank you card. The crowd was enthusiastic and responded louder and louder with each speaker.
Father Frank Pavone and some students from Christendom College held the March for Life banner. Silent No More Awareness was next. These women hold signs that say I Regret My Abortion. Operation Outcry followed them with Abortion Hurt Me signs. Being at the front was amazing. I was thrilled to march with so many people who share the same passion. There were crowds on either side of the streets and they clapped and cheered for us. Many took our pictures and were filming. One woman shouted out, "God's mercy on you! God's mercy on you!" A man yelled, "Precious witnesses! Precious witnesses!" That did it for me. I cried for much of the time.
It was hard to take it all in. There were an estimated 250,000 to 300,000 people marching for life and for that I am so grateful to have been a part of it. A.Ma.Zing. Yes, I know. I already said that.
I saw some newspapers that printed the customary photos of strife between the prochoicers and prolifers. Honestly I only saw maybe six signs that read Keep Abortion Legal. Can we say OUTNUMBERED?
I shall never forget as long as I live the feeling of being in Washington, D.C. to stand for LIFE. I want to thank the person that made it possible for me and my WI girls to go. You know who you are.

Friends in the Fight

Hi Jill Stanek!! I am proud to be part of the Mod Squad on Jill's blog, Pro-Life Pulse.Eileen Smith's daughter Laura Hope Smith was killed by an abortionist. Eileen is a precious warrior!
My sweet friend. The movie 22 Weeks is based on her experience and of her son Rowan. She fought to save Rowan after he was born alive during a late term abortion.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Out and About

On the Metro
On the street

The WI Girls of Operation Outcry

Carla, Laura and Robin

Laura, Carla and Robin
It never seems appropriate to smile when holding that sign, but we are smiling because we are not alone anymore.


I am still processing my thoughts on The March for Life 2009. While I do that and try to download my pictures I found an excellent article on LifeSiteNews.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I gave my abortion testimony this morning on Day Gardener's radio show. I thought it went well. I hope and pray that God will use the interview to touch others and they will come forward with their abortion regret to find healing and walk this journey with me and others like me.